Sunday, October 28, 2007

F.I.S.H.: One group working to eradicate poverty connects with Our Day and the book's goals

F.I.S.H.: "Families & Individuals Seeking Hope" is a grassroots organization dedicated to eradicating poverty in South Royalton, VT. And they want to use Our Day to help them. These seven people have come together, bringing their diverse talents, to assist people in the following ways: budgeting, education, reliable transportation, weatherization or other home repairs and safe dependable child or elder care. Some of them work for area social-services groups and are very tired of not meeting the larger challenge of actually eliminating poverty in their town.

Karen Speerstra reported in about F.I.S.H. and her dream that other small communities will take up the challenge of eliminating poverty close to home. We hope that F.I.S.H. will show other communities what's possible and we will all see progress, like little yeast bubbles popping.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Inside Wealth episode with Shannon and Jeff available for online listening

On October 14, Shannon and Jeff talked with Stu Zimmerman about Our Day to End Poverty and how everyday people can take action to have a positive impact. Click the links below to listen to the show, or visit the Inside Wealth website to learn more.

Listen: Windows Media Real Player MP3

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Shannon and Jeff to appear on Inside Wealth this Sunday, October 14th

Authors Shannon Daley-Harris and Jeff Keenan will be appearing on Inside Wealth, a talk with host Stu Zimmerman about Our Day on a show that aims to, "awaken, inspire, and empower you to experience the wealth that's already inside you." For more information on where you can hear the show, check out the Inside Wealth website.